Saturday, March 21, 2020

Manchester essays

Manchester essays Manchester is located in England in The MIDLANDS, right in the centre of Britain, shown on Diagram 1. Manchester has a population of about 450, 000 and a land size of 40,000 square metres. As you can see from Diagram 2 which is a base map of Manchester, the form of this city is a core. (A core is where settlements are clumped together in the middle and situated randomly around the sides.) The reasons for this Core formation is that the river Mersey is located in the centre of the city and the topography of the land is resemble flat with a few rolling hills here or there. Because of the flat relief it is easier for a city to expand and to build more infrastructure. Also because of the river and major roads accessibility is high into the city. Due to the accessibility of the river it provides small boats to sail to Liverpool and export cotton around world, which is the main production industry in Manchester. As you can see from diagram 3 which is the Land use model, Manchester has a lot of residential settlements ( which are in yellow) and commercial settlements (in pink). The commercial settlements are situated near the river and main roads for easy access to the city. The small brown square is the Industrial area. The main industry in Manchester is the huge cotton factories. Lastly the grey areas are the transportation systems such as airports, train and bus routes. All these areas and systems are in the urban part of Manchester, but if you look at the land use model you see residential such as the dark green area on this map which is forest. The white squares are Barren Land which were caused by mining back in 17-1850 and nothing has been able to grow or produce There are 3 major zones in Manchester: - The Industrial ...

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Wuthering Heights Review

The 'Wuthering Heights' Review When Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights was first published in 1847, under the name of Ellis Bell, it received mixed reviews. Although some critics saw the potential evident in the cyclical plot and other literary devices, many others were shocked and dismayed by the unashamedly dark storyline. Different for the Era To be sure, Wuthering Heights was a very different book than what was generally considered acceptable during that era. In direct contrast to Emily Brontes novel, Susannah Rowsons Charlotte Temple (1828) tells the story of a young lady who permits her beau to steal her away in the middle of the night. Predictably, he impregnates her and then abandons her, after which she dies of a broken heart. As was common in novels of the era, Charlotte Temple used a fictional story to instruct its readers―primarily young ladies―in what was expected of them. Flawed Characters In Wuthering Heights, one of the main female characters dies of what could also be considered a broken heart, but the effect is a very different one from that of Charlotte Temple. Instead of presenting an overly sentimental worst-case scenario meant to frighten its readers onto the straight-and-narrow, Wuthering Heights seduces its readers with its dark passion and misguided characters. Both Heathcliff and Catherine are flawed characters, but their flaws intrigue the reader just as surely as they repel. If there is any lesson to be learned after Catherines death, it is the folly of denying your hearts greatest passion―a mistake completely at odds with the cause of Charlotte Temples downfall. Controversy Obscurity Due to the novels tumultuous passion, the book received a mixture of responses. Eventually, those who were scandalized by the books inappropriateness won out, and Emily Brontes only novel was buried in literary obscurity. Decades later, when Wuthering Heights was revived by the interest of modern scholars, the unique literary devices used in the work began to earn more attention than its soap opera-like tale of obsession and loss. Although the second part of the novel―the part that chiefly concerns Catherine and Heathcliffs respective children―is frequently overlooked in retellings and screen adaptations, many contemporary critics believe it holds the key to Emily Bronte’s real literary genius. The first generation of children―Catherine, her brother Hindley, and the gypsy child Heathcliff―had led miserable lives, and both Catherine and Hindley died young as payment for their misguided passions. As a result of Heathcliffs scheming prior to Hindleys death, he has inherited the Earnshaw home, as well as the care of Hindleys son, Hareton. After the death of Heathcliffs estranged wife―Catherine’s husband’s sister, his own son, Linton, comes to live with him as well, setting in motion his final push for revenge. Generations The highlight of the second part of the book is when Heathcliff effectively kidnaps Catherines daughter, who is called Cathy. With the three children now all under one roof, the latter half of the book parallels the beginning, when Catherine, Hindley, and Heathcliff were all children together in the same house. However, whether by a twist of fate or Heathcliffs mistreatment of the boy, Haretons demeanor and place in the household resembles Heathcliffs childhood persona more than that of his own father, while Linton is so weak and sickly that he is the perfect opposite of Heathcliff.Despite the clear similarities to the old rivalries, though, the children begin to converge, rather than to follow in the footsteps of their parents. Maddened by a desire for revenge, Heathcliff attempts to play them against one another, forcing Cathy to marry Linton so that he may inherit the neighboring property that belongs to his rival, Catherines widower. Linton dies soon after. After Heathcliffs own death, the tale comes full circle: the estates return to their rightful heirs, Hareton and the younger Cathy fall in love, and Heathcliff’s legacy of revenge disappears almost without a trace. Complex Storytelling Despite its early reception, the combination of unbridled passion and a complex storytelling form makes Wuthering Heights a favorite in many modern literary circles. The darkness of the story and the lack of accompanying moral teachings shocked many of its contemporaries, while the intricacies of the cyclical plot―the destruction and ultimate reunification of the families―were overlooked until recent decades. A novel that combines masterful literary devices with all of the scandals of a soap opera, Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights was a drama far ahead of its time.